Profile :-
Shri Rajendra Arlekar
( Founder- Qauzi Mujahedul Islam Quasmi )
Latest News & Announcements
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Teachers & Staff
Hon'ble Governor
Hon'ble Chief Minister
Hon'ble Vice Chancellor LNMU Darbhanga
Founder-Q.A Degree College
Principal - Q.A Degree College Darbhanga
GB Member-Q.A Degree College Darbhang
Chairman-Q.A Degree College Darbhanga
Secretary-Q.A Degree College Darbhanga
University Representative-Q.A Degree College
I had a great time in college all the teachers are very friendly and enthusiastic. Thanks.
I had a great time in college. All the teachers are very friendly and enthusiastic. Thanks.
I had a great time in college all the teachers are very friendly and enthusiastic. Thanks.
I had a great time in college. All the teachers are very friendly and enthusiastic. Thanks.
I am very glad to announce that we have this new website that will provide you your
all required information with LNMU. In 1985, establishment of Quazi Ahmad
degree college University at Darbhanga. Quazi Ahmad degree college, Darbhanga is all
set to extend academic and other sort of help in its effort to make a better educated value
laden society. In this pious mission, I request the Parents, Alumni, Staff & Students to join
hands with us to fulfill our mission, vision & objectives. Hard work, dedication and
perseverance are the most important traits in a person that lead to success.
Badre Alam ( Math)
Principal - Quazi Ahamd Degree College
This section will deal with all the information pertaining to a student such as personal,
academic as well as
digital document and student report.
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